Quotes from Jasmuheen
Go Beyond …
“In order to move to the next prophesied level we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple.
“What we focus on grows, we all know this.
“Some say that it is time also now to focus on pathways of peace, on things that bind and unify us, a new operating system.
“We all also know that many walk among us now in service to the greater whole to support this process of positive evolution.
“Some do this by sitting on a mountain top enjoying the fullness of each moment, just being, rarely doing anything except radiating a constant stream of their love light through the fields. Others do this by caring selflessly for family and friends.
“Some produce works or art or music that awaken the soul’s light while others write books or come to the aid of whoever they find is in need. Some have done all of this and more and some still struggle to make sense of it all or just to survive.
“For those still struggling, there comes a time when help is magnetized to them if it is for their highest good. Sometimes we must struggle alone through these things in order to receive some inner strength or insight that can only be gained by living through every moment of it.
“The complexities are endless for we are creative beings and the Matrix of Creation is vast. Every permutation of reality is available to us and none of what I have written is new.
“The question is, can we all go beyond this struggle?
“And if so, how?
“Is there a science or a system we can use for planetary refinement into peace?
“Is there a step by step process that we can adopt that works?
“The pathways of peace series contain all the answers to these questions and more.” Jasmuheen
Willingness …
“Without our willingness to channel the best, we cannot even begin. Whether it is creating a new life, or a new world, or a piece of art or music or writing, it all begins with being open.
“First in imagination, then in will, then in reality, is an old saying but true.
“Our gifts to this world, and this realm’s gifts to us can come in many ways, often as we least expect them but they come especially when we are open to give, open to receive.
“If step one is being willing, then step two is making the time to clear some space in our lives to receive. Being in stillness, enjoying the silence so that we can tune to the inner realms where the intuitive creative flow runs like a river, a subtle current, through us all. Step two is also about being aware of rhythms.
“Step three is then deciding which channel you wish to tune to, to download from, rather than just opening without discernment to any channel, for there are many layers within the fields, many realms seeking expression — from the astral to the realms of ascended light.
“Step four is the process of allowing, allowing it all to flow though us – always listening to the rhythm of our heart, to its natural song of expression, so that this heart energy is embedded in all that we do.” Jasmuheen
Experiment …
“My life particularly, is one of successive experiments. Things like fine-tuning my own energy field to see if I could firstly exist in harmony on all levels of my own being and hence have no hungers. Fine-tuning myself according to Universal Laws so that I experience Grace constantly rather than randomly; fine-tuning myself in the Matrix so that I enhance all and am enhanced by all; experimenting with the flows of unconditional love for myself and others; experimenting with the ‘let go and just flow’ idea, the ‘be fully present in the moment’ reality and so much more.
“This led me to the ‘Beingness’ game of Divine Perfection and Divine Marriage where retiring into India seems like such a good idea, especially when I am there. And yet for those of us in fulltime selfless service it is not about us, it is about the totality of human consciousness here, now, of which we are all a part. We are here, now, breathing together, living together, experimenting and fine-tuning together — consciously or not, each one seeking different experiences and enjoyments from the web of life that holds us all.” Jasmuheen
True Magic …
“When we open ourselves to experience the true magic and the pure heart, that lies behind so many cultures, we can go beyond prejudice, limitation and fear, for deep within the human heart is a natural rhythm of harmony that is longing to be released.
“I have found that when we celebrate our differences we unify with each other in a field of appreciation that is unparallel to the alternative we have known – the field of gossip and judgment which can perpetuate loneliness and separation.
“When we seek to understand what another appreciates about their own way of life, and when we take the chance to see their life and the beauty of their culture though their eyes, this action and choice can eliminate feelings of both fear and separation and bond us deeply.” Jasmuheen
Refinements …
“I have come to understand that the web of love – that passes through all life – has been imprinted by all kingdoms through all time. Hence all knowledge is held in this matrix and what we focus on we draw out of this invisible inner plane web into the visible world. How we view or experience this matrix is always a changing panorama that reflects the expansion or contraction of our own consciousness. We can feel and see the discordant rhythms in the fields that pulse there as a reflection of the dominant consciousness of humankind, and the status quo belief systems, or we can refine ourselves further into subtler realms and see and feel a new beat altogether. All of it depends on what we hunger for.” – Jasmuheen
Grace …
As I have shared so often before, there are various stages we go through in our journey through the fields of life, when we are open to manifesting the divinity that we are and these are described in many books including my own. Eventually we come into that space of absolute perfection where all we see is the good in all and the God in all and all our hungers disappear. It is a space of Being, not doing, as our own personal radiation beams out whatever is required into the world, effortlessly and with Grace. Our personal energy emanations are also influencing the world around us regardless of what our reality models are, this is just a natural system of magnetic attraction. Hence the emphasis on being aware regarding what we are radiating and the copious amount of tools to retune ourselves as given out by the indigenous shaman, yogis and metaphysicians. Grace is one indicator that the way we are living our lives is beneficial for the greater whole and we know if our spiritual realities and lifestyles are working for us by how the universe responds to us and how much Grace is in our lives. Grace can be a steady flow – a powerful stream that carries us effortlessly through life as the Creator Gods that we are, or it can be a now and then event that, when we see it and feel it, leaves us hungry for more. In the deepest currents of the purest field of love, there can be no hungers or desires for all we feel is the deepest contentment and peace; when Grace abounds in our life, we lack for nothing, we are free.
And yet?
I say and yet, because for many now this life is not about personal realities anymore but about global. For others it is also about universal. Once the personal reality has been locked in effectively enough to attract a constant flow of Grace and inner plane support, and we lack for nothing in our mastery, for we understand the workings of the fields, then our time here becomes one that is dedicated to service, for the upliftment of the whole. Not because we suffer from a ‘God complex’ or the need to save the world, but simply because it is time for earth to enter en-mass into a higher paradigm and we all control the timing of when this happens. – Jasmuheen
In order to move to the next prophesied level we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple. What we focus on grows, we all know this.
We all also know that many walk among us now in service to the greater whole to support this process of positive evolution. Some do this by sitting on a mountain top enjoying the fullness of each moment, just being, rarely doing anything except radiating a constant stream of their love light through the fields. Others do this by caring selflessly for family and friends. Some produce works or art or music that awaken the soul’s light while others write books or come to the aid of whoever they find is in need. Some have done all of this and more and some still struggle to make sense of it all or just to survive.
For those still struggling to make sense of it all, or just to survive, there comes a time when help is magnetized to them if it is for their highest good. Sometimes we must struggle alone through these things in order to receive some inner strength or insight that can only be gained by living through every moment of it. The complexities are endless for we are creative beings and the Matrix of Creation is vast. Every permutation of reality is available to us and none of what I have written is new. – Jasmuheen
Intention …
“Awareness and education opens the field of possibility, and then a clear intention begins the flow towards us of the new energy stream that we are open to be nourished by, merge into, or be melded with. The strength, attributes and power of this stream can only be a direct match with our own capacity to handle it and match frequencies with it.
“So intention and breath must also be matched with personal field resonance, to receive the complete quotient of what each wave in the matrix can carry to us. Intention opens the door, breath determines the directional pull and begins the magnetic flow, to the thinker, of the intentional thought, and then, as the wave passes through us, it can only deliver that which we are able to match with, the rest will then flow on.” Jasmuheen
Asking …
Asking and being open to receive is one of the first steps required to receive some of the gifts of the quantum field. Taking control via our lifestyle to tune to specific channels within the universal field is a basic and easy art to learn. – Jasmuheen
Love’s Truth …
If everything is a reflection of our own consciousness then on one level it is hard to comment on anything. We can only make observations and share any insights in the knowledge that the only truth is the experience we have when we stand in the Heart of the Matrix of Creation and allow ourselves to be absorbed and overwhelmed by its love. Everything else must reside within the mental plane which is then subject to everyone’s interpretation.- Jasmuheen
I remember many years ago one of the Holy Ones sharing with me that one of the most debilitating energies was judgment – of ourselves and also others – and that one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and others is the gift of unconditional love, in the knowledge that the Divine One Within us all is guiding us through many different experiences, so that we can gather and exhibit more virtues and also to give us the wondrous experience of being a divine being living in a denser dimension, with all that this entails. – Jasmuheen
Love is addictive, it is effervescent in its nature as is its joy. It catches us unawares with its depth and rewards. There are the deepest currents of the purest love bubbling through the Matrix of life that in turn then bubbles through us. When we dive into this current via our lifestyle and focus, we receive all the nourishment we need so that we are free to give that love without condition or thought of reward and in this very act of pure intention comes the most amazing gifts. This is the way of the fields where the Master is the best servant and those in pure hearted service discover the master within. – Jasmuheen
My guidance as an Ambassador of Peace is to offer assistance and training, to anyone who comes to me, to: – a) gain clarity to help them manifest the Triple Win reality and b) to assist them to download from the infinite field of love the perfect resolutions to all conflict that will create a win-win-win situation; a win for the individual and all others involved in the situation plus a win for the planet as a whole.
We can no longer live in a me-me world focused on personal gain, and greed and ego issues, as the waves in the Matrix – that are now feeding Earth’s evolution – no longer support these old paradigms. Understanding the energy waves in a field, applying Universal Law and working for the good of all allows us all access to great alchemy or forces which can bring lasting change into being.
There are so many different ways that we can direct, or alter the flow of energy, and every one of us does it every moment either consciously or not. For example, we can set up a grid point of radiation that beams out specific signals into the greater field and from this grid point we can venture out into the world to mingle with others and blend our energy fields just by being in each other’s presence. Even as a watcher in silence we are always mixing energy fields and are being affected by them to greater or lesser degrees. All of this mixes together throughout Gaia’s fields to determine the direction of our future and which dimensions we are magnetized into or move through. Spiritual experiences and realities are dependent completely on the science of magnetics – all of which we can control via will, vision, clarity, intention and lifestyle. – Jasmuheen
Finally the human heart is determining its own course and the purity contained within each heart is fulfilling our common desire for peace and true civility. Finally the paradigm of one harmonious people united in compassionate action is one that has become so much more real. We may be few but the strength does not lie in numbers. While two thirds of Earth’s people struggle to survive still they dream of better times and better ways of being, of better worlds for those they love and in the dreaming we unite. It is in the dreaming that the seeds of change are born and we with power, those who no longer struggle as much, can water the garden of hope, until its fruit is known. – Jasmuheen